[afro-nets] Update on World Bank failures to fight malaria

Update on World Bank failures to fight malaria


Please find above a link to a research paper published last week by Dr. Roger Bate at the American Enterprise Institute, entitled "Poor Countries Need Relief from the World Bank's 'Help' On Malaria". The paper describes the World Bank's persistent technical failures in malaria control financing - which will inevitably lead to needless deaths in poor countries. Specifically the Bank is violating the World Health Organization's guidelines for anti-malarial treatment and preventive indoor residual spraying programs in more projects that previously thought.

Dr. Bate calls for the World Bank to relinquish its role in disease control financing altogether. While Africa Fighting Malaria does not agree with this conclusion, we maintain that the Bank should allow the World Health Organization to review its project proposals before financing them to ensure they are technically sound and will not result in avoidable deaths. We also challenge the Bank to step up its monitoring and evaluation efforts and track measurable outcomes for its substantial investment in malaria control.


Philip Coticelli
Africa Fighting Malaria
1050 17th Street, NW, Suite 520
Washington, D.C. 20036 USA
Office: +1-202-223-3519
Cell: +1-301-801-5801