[afro-nets] Visit the Improved HRH Global Resource Center

Visit the Improved HRH Global Resource Center

In response to requests from our users, the HRH Global Resource Center (http://www.hrhresourcecenter.org/) has an improved navigation menu and new features to help you find and share information in our free digital library of human resources for health (HRH) materials.

Latest Added Resources Page: The HRH Global Resource Center collection grows quickly. Visit the Latest Added Resources Page to easily find the most recent additions.

Rate Resources: You can now click on one of the five stars at the bottom of each resource page to let others know which resources you found useful and help GRC staff decide which resources should be removed.

As always, the staff of the HRH Global Resource Center encourages your feedback (http://www.hrhresourcecenter.org/contact_us). More to come! The GRC will be announcing other improvements in the coming months, so be sure to visit the site to see all the new features.

Joe Caparo