Training Workshop - Nutrition in the care and support of PLWHA
15 - 21 November 2004
Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development, Kenya
Kenya's Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development
(TICH in Africa) will be holding a training workshop for nutri-
tion in the care and support of HIV-positive people from 15 to
21 November 2004. The workshop will enable managers, planners
and caregivers to develop and implement strategies for integrat-
ing nutrition into HIV/AIDS care and support programmes.
Participants will acquire knowledge and skills in:
- designing interventions for nutrition care and support of
- planning nutrition action for PLWHA
- addressing food security in the context of HIV/AIDS
- managing, monitoring and evaluating programmes that integrate
the nutrition, care and support of PLWHA
The course content is divided into nine systematic sessions,
each of which present state-of-the-art knowledge on the topic,
relevant strategies and approaches.
The course provides varied learning environments and makes opti-
mal use of the participants' experience in working with pro-
grammes in resource-poor settings.
Fee: KSh 30,000 (US$ 320): Includes course fee, handouts, lec-
ture materials, administration fees, registration, break teas
and lunch. It excludes travel fares, accommodation, breakfast,
dinner and incidentals.
Basic accommodation with full board can be provided at US$ 200.
Application forms can be obtained by e-mailing the course coor-
dinator. The application form and a detailed CV should be sent
not later than 30 September 2004 to:
The Course Coordinator
Nutrition in the Care and Support of PLWHA
TICH in Africa
PO Box 2224-40100
Kisumu, Kenya