World Development Report 2000/2001
As many of you will know the World Development Report for 2000/2001
will be on Poverty, a subject addressed every ten years. This year the
Bank is engaging in more open dialogue prior to the preparation of this
report. I thought many of you may not know about the Development Forum.
This is part of the World Bank's external web site and allows people to
subscribe to discussion fora on a number of topics. I am currently
highlighting the WDR 2000/2001 but there is also an ongoing discussion
on Gender and Law, and ending violence against women. You can access
the site at:
and follow the 'Development Forum' link followed by 'Join the discus-
sion'. This will give you details on the various World Bank hosted dis-
cussions, previous messages posted, and how to subscribe. If alterna-
tively you follow 'Other discussions' and the gender link you will find
a listing of other gender discussion fora outside the World Bank.
It is possible that at a later date there will be an online discussion
prior to preparation of a new policy research report on women. If this
is the case I will let you know. It seems to me if we want gender in-
corporated as "second nature" we need to participate in these discus-
sions, as opposed to just the gender ones, until there is a wider un-
derstanding of how both the process and impact of development affect
men and women differently.
Lynn Brown
RDV, S8.021
The World Bank
1818 H St, NW
Washington DC, 20433, USA
Tel: +1-202-458-8175
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