AFRO-NETS> World Bank Ministerial meeting (3)

World Bank Ministerial meeting (3)

Dear All,

Interesting discussion. My own experience with a government-created
womens' rights body (though not a Ministry per se) in a francophone
African country was brief but telling. They exemplified a token, un-
derfunded group of women, with woefully limited clout. Their organi-
zation, called "CONDITION FEMININE", consisted of a very committed
group of educated women, with innovative new approaches and propos-
als, rendered virtually impotent; without the means to put the wheels
of change into motion. I hasten to add that the areas of education,
health, and social services were also inadequately funded... and all
male-run. Further, Condition Feminine didn't appear to have the 'ear'
of anyone in the various ministries.

Does the World Bank ministerial initiative have any teeth -- are
there repercussions for lack of compliance, based on measurable out-

Bill Martin, M.P.H.

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