[e-drug] Abstract Submission for ICIUM 2004

E-drug: Abstract Submission for ICIUM 2004

Abstract submission facility now available on the ICIUM 2004 web site

The Second International Conference on Improving the Use of
Medicines: March 30th to April 2nd 2004 in Chiang Mai, Thailand

It is now possible to submit an abstract on the ICIUM 2004 Web site
(www.icium.org). Those who have abstracts accepted will be given
preference for registration. The Web site also features up-to-date
information on the conference plans as well guidelines for the
organization and style of abstracts.

If you experience difficulty accessing the Web site, you may send
questions or request a form on which to submit an abstract by
sending an e-mail to icium@msh.org.

Areas of Interest for Abstracts

The predominant focus of ICIUM 2004 will be cost-effective
interventions to improve the use of medicines. The program will be
organized into several concurrent topic tracks, including-

- Adult health, including chronic illness
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Child health, including immunizations
- Impact of access and pricing on use of medicines
- Malaria and other parasitic infections
- Mental health
- Reproductive health, including contraceptives and sexually
     transmitted infections
- Tuberculosis

Participants with similar interests in a topic track will form a "meeting
within a meeting" as they explore each of the conference focal areas
in a sequence of half-day sessions. Focal areas include:
1. International policies and systems
2. National policies, systems, and programs
3. Hospitals and inpatient care
4. Primary care and health providers
5. Primary care and the community
6. Special topics

Thank you. We look forward to seeing you in one year, at ICIUM

John Chalker, on behalf of the organizing committee of ICIUM 2004

ICIUM 2004 is supported by:
- International Network for Rational Use of Drugs
- Department of Essentials Drugs and Medicines Policy, World
     Health Organization
- Center for International Health, Boston University School of Public
- Department of Ambulatory Care & Prevention, Harvard Medical
- Rational Pharmaceutical Management Plus Program, Management
     Sciences for Health
- Strategies for Enhancing Access to Medicines Program,
     Management Sciences for Health
- Thai Network for Rational Use of Drugs
- U.S. Agency for International Development

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