E-DRUG: ART-management software: Evaluation
[If you are interested to paritcipate in the study please DO NOT CLICK REPLY. Respond to Juerg.Draeyer@stud.unibas.ch . Thanks BS]
Dear All
I am a medical doctor and have worked for MSF and WHO in Afghanistan, Somalia,
Sudan, Chad and Indonesia. I am currently writing my thesis for my Masters in
International Health at the Swiss Tropical Institute in Basel, Switzerland. The
title will be: Inventory and evaluation of publicly available computer based
ART-management software in high-prevalence HIV/AIDS settings with a focus on
user perception. The study has a special interest on existing links between
patient and pharmacy management. I am doing this research together with Phasuma
(www.phasuma.com) a consultancy specialised in pharmaceutical supply issues in
developing countries.
Most ART-projects are rapidly expanding and computer-software is developing
fast. It would be of help for both EMR/supply software developers and users in
ART-projects to get an up to date overview of current needs and solutions.
We would like to do the survey by sending an electronic questionnaire to
developers and users.
If you are working in a ART-project working with computer software or if you are
developing ART-management software and would like to be part of this study,
please send an email to juerg.draeyer@stud.unibas.ch with the details of the
person(s) to contact and we will send the questionnaire.
(Some examples of ART-management software: ARTISE, Care2x, Careware, EKAPA,
ESOPE, Focamed, Fuchia, GAP Zimbabwe, HIP, iDart, MMRS, mSupply, MTCT+,
OpenEMR, PIH-EMR, ProQ, Quantimed, SICLOM, SmartCare,TherapyEdge, WorldVista.)
Yours sincerely
Juerg Draeyer
Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel