[e-drug] ARV guidelines on WHO web

E-DRUG: ARV guidelines on WHO web

Nine Guidance Modules on Antiretroviral Treatments

In response to requests from people living with HIV/AIDS, health
professionals and governments, WHO held an informal consultation
on the implications of antiretroviral treatments in April 1997, in
collaboration with UNAIDS. Participants included clinicians,
researchers, PLHA, national AIDS programme managers,
representatives of ministries of health, the pharmaceutical industry,
NGOs, donors, UNAIDS, other UN agencies, and various WHO programmes.
A report of the consultation* was produced in
September 1997. The report summarised the essential points
raised during the consultation and derived from discussions,
presentations and background papers.

The modules are addressed mainly to "middle level" decision
makers at academic and training institutions, major hospitals and
district hospitals. However, in all modules there are issues which
may be of concern to technical decision makers in government
ministries such as health, planning or finance. The nine guidance
modules are listed below:

The modules are available as Microsoft Word documents (*.doc)

1.Introduction to antiretroviral treatments
2.Introducing antiretroviral treatments into health systems:
economic considerations
3.Antiretroviral treatments: planning and integration into health
services (under preparation)
4.Safe and effective use of antiretrovirals
5.Laboratory requirements for the safe and effective use of
6.The use of antiretroviral drugs to reduce mother to child
transmission of HIV
7.Treatments following exposure to the human immunodeficiency
8.Antiretrovirals: regulation, distribution and control
9.Ethical and societal issues relating to antiretroviral treatments

The modules form a complete set which together address the
major issues relating to the use and provision of ARVs but each is
designed to "stand alone". Depending on further developments in
the treatments and experience with their use in different settings,
there may be requests for guidance in other areas. Other modules
may then be added to the set.

* The Implications of Antiretroviral Treatments: Informal
Consultation, Geneva, April 1997. Edited by Eric van Praag, Susan
Fernyak and Alison Martin Katz

Files downloadable at:

Wilbert Bannenberg, E-DRUG moderator
Box 456, Irene 0062, South Africa
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Email WilbertBannenberg@compuserve.com (private)
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