[e-drug] Books on Pills (6)

E-DRUG: Books on Pills (6)

Dear Jude, Peter, Mira, and Alan,

Great idea and very good choices so far. I offer:

HG Wells, Tono-Bungay, NY: Dodd, Mead & Co, 1908.

Henry Lennard, Mystification and Drug Misuse, San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 1971.

Peter Conrad & Joseph W Schneider, Deviance and Medicalization: From
Badness to Sickness, St Louis: Mosby, 1980.

Peter Temin, Taking Your Medicine: Drug Regulation in the US, Harvard
Univ Press, 1980.

Peter Davis (ed), Contested Ground: Public Concern and Private Interest
in the Regulation of Pharmaceuticals, Oxford Univ Press, 1996.

Arthur Daemmrich, Pharmacopolitics: Drug Regulation in the US and
Germany, Univ North Carolina Press, 2004.

Dates are first printings; some have been reprinted more recently.

And given the old adage, "Those who do not know their opponent's
arguments do not completely understand their own," I offer the following

Patricia Danzon, Pharmaceutical Price Regulation: National Policies
versus Global Interests, Amer Enterprise Institute, 1997.

Michael Montagne, PhD

Professor of Social Pharmacy
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
School of Pharmacy - Boston
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
179 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
phone: 617-732-2995
email: michael.montagne@mcphs.edu

E-DRUG: Books on Pills (7)

Let me add in some of my old favourites:

Milton Silverman and Philip Lee. Pills profits and politics. University of
California Press, 1974

Henning Sjöström and Robert Nilsson. Thalidomide and the power of the drug
companies. Penguin, 1972

Joel Lexchin MD
121 Walmer Rd.
Toronto ON
Canada M5R 2X8
Tel: 416-964-7186
Fax: 416-736-5227
E mail: joel.lexchin@utoronto.ca

E-DRUG: Books on Pills (8)
[It is time for the moderator to put the titles all together so we can see where we are up to. We will share the list next week. BS]

A minute after I sent my first list of classic books I was kicking myself for not including more.

All of my favourites about drugs have now been mentioned except 5:

A prophesy of the use of drugs for political control by keeping the population feeling content:
Aldous Huxley. Brave New World 1932

Evidence based medicine for the general public:
Judy Irwig, Les Irwig & Melissa Sweet. Smart Health Choices. Sydney: Allen & Unwin 1999

Jeffrey Robinson. Prescription Games. Toronto: McCelland & Stewart 2001

Ray Moynihan. Too much medicine. Sydney: ABC Books 2001

Ray Moynihan & Alan Cassels. Selling Sickness. Sydney: Allen & Unwin 2005 (mentioned by Jude but without the second



Dr Peter Mansfield
Director, Healthy Skepticism Inc
Countering misleading drug promotion.
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Research Fellow, Discipline of General Practice, University of Adelaide