E-DRUG: Books on Pills (6)
Dear Jude, Peter, Mira, and Alan,
Great idea and very good choices so far. I offer:
HG Wells, Tono-Bungay, NY: Dodd, Mead & Co, 1908.
Henry Lennard, Mystification and Drug Misuse, San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 1971.
Peter Conrad & Joseph W Schneider, Deviance and Medicalization: From
Badness to Sickness, St Louis: Mosby, 1980.
Peter Temin, Taking Your Medicine: Drug Regulation in the US, Harvard
Univ Press, 1980.
Peter Davis (ed), Contested Ground: Public Concern and Private Interest
in the Regulation of Pharmaceuticals, Oxford Univ Press, 1996.
Arthur Daemmrich, Pharmacopolitics: Drug Regulation in the US and
Germany, Univ North Carolina Press, 2004.
Dates are first printings; some have been reprinted more recently.
And given the old adage, "Those who do not know their opponent's
arguments do not completely understand their own," I offer the following
Patricia Danzon, Pharmaceutical Price Regulation: National Policies
versus Global Interests, Amer Enterprise Institute, 1997.
Michael Montagne, PhD
Professor of Social Pharmacy
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
School of Pharmacy - Boston
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
179 Longwood Ave
Boston MA 02115
phone: 617-732-2995
email: michael.montagne@mcphs.edu