E-DRUG: Call for applications: NGOs Alternate UNITAID Board member
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The NGOs Delegation to the UNITAID Board is seeking applications for a new Alternate Board Member (unpaid position).
Application deadline: 12:00 noon GMT, Friday 20 March 2013
Interviews expected between 15 and 27 April 2013 (TBC)
Please send completed applications to the UNITAID Civil Society Delegations Liaison Officer, Leila Zadeh: LZadeh@oxfam.org.uk
Full terms of reference for the role, outline of the application process, background information and an application form are available by sending an email to LZadeh@oxfam.org.uk.
UNITAID is an innovative global health initiative that uses its long-term sustainable funding to support projects that positively impact the market for medicines, diagnostics and other health products for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria. UNITAID also encourages innovation to ensure medicines are available in formulations and combinations that are best suited to the target populations and treatment conditions in developing countries. Much of UNITAID’s funding comes from a levy on airline tickets, which is both sustainable and predictable. UNITAID also receives long-term funding from governments. Since its inception in 2006, UNITAID has committed more than US$ 1,103,000 to projects in 94 countries. The UNITAID secretariat is hosted by the World health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
For more information on UNITAID, please see www.unitaid.eu.
The Position: The NGOs delegation to the Executive Board of UNITAID, representing NGOs involved in the global fight against HIV, TB and malaria, is looking to appoint a new Alternate Board Member.
The Alternate will work with the NGOs Board Member, Civil Society Delegations Liaison Officer and the Civil Society Delegations’ Contact Group to represent the whole constituency of NGOs working on the three diseases. Applicants must be affiliated to an NGO working to combat at least one of the three diseases, whether as an employee, trustee, volunteer, consultant etc., and must be willing to commit 15-25% of their working time to the position. Applicants must have the support of their organisation for the role and time commitment.
The term of service for the NGOs Alternate Board Member is 2 years (June 2013-June 2015), after which, subject to satisfactory performance, they may be offered the position of Board Member for a further two years.
The new Alternate Board Member should be available to attend the UNITAID Board meeting in Geneva on 6-7 June 2013 and the Civil Society Delegations pre-meeting from 3 to 5 June. A handover is planned with the current NGOs Board Member and Alternate during this time.
Please note this is an unpaid position but travel costs will be covered by the UNITAID secretariat or the grant to the Civil Society Delegations. Some support towards telephone and other office costs can also be provided.
Full terms of reference for this position, instructions on how to apply (including selection criteria), background information and the application form are available by sending an email to LZadeh@oxfam.org.uk. Applicants will be asked to participate in an interview, probably by telephone, if shortlisted. Please contact LZadeh@oxfam.org.uk if you have any queries on the process.
We thank all applicants in advance for their interest. The outcome of this recruitment is expected to be announced in late April or May 2013.
Thanks and best wishes,
Kim Nichols, NGOs Board Member (Outgoing)
Tido von Schoen-Angerer, NGOs Alternate Board Member
Leila Zadeh, Liaison Officer, Civil Society Delegations to UNITAID