[e-drug] Coding Pharmaceutical Products

E-DRUG: Coding Pharmaceutical Products

Dear Colleagues

The MoH Rwanda is currently in a process of designing Logistics Management Information System to ensure that the supply chain management is running smoothly. Among other processes we need to code all products to ensure that the sysetem is fully computerized. With this we can use the codes instead of product names.

Is there any one with knowledge of coding pharmaceutical products? and possibly the references

Kindest regards,

Max Kabalisa
MIS Advisor
Supply Chain Management System (SCMS)
Tel : +250 0830 68 06
e-mail: kabalisa4@hotmail.com
skype: phnmax

E-DRUG: Coding Pharmaceutical Products (2)

Dear Max,

You can check MSF catalogue coding system. This is a very intuitive
system for both medical supplies and drugs. It enables you to make
several kind of analysis needed for pharmaceutical management using
proper customized IT tools. You can find it on line at:


Pablo Alcocer
Pharmaceuticals consultant.
PABLO ALCOCER <palcocer@gmail.com>

E-DRUG: Coding Pharmaceutical Products (3)

Dear Max Kabalisa

You need both a classification system and an identification system.
The best classification system for medicines is the ATC system (Anatomical
Therapeutic Chemical) which is recommended by WHO.

The identification system may be just a numbering system. I would suggest 8
digits. That would make room for one or two control digits, and also be
compatible with the EAN bar code system.

On my website I have put a document which describes different medicine
classification systems.

Stein Lyftingsmo
Hospital Pharmacy of Elverum, Norway
"Stein" <stein@lyftingsmo.no>