[e-drug] Community Pharmacies Burundi

E-drug: Community Pharmacies Burundi

Burundi is has been affected by civil conflict since 1993 and the
Ministry of Health is currently in the process of implementing reforms.
A central pharmacy is being created and staff in the provinces are
being trained in management, a prerequisite of the decentralisation
policy. One of the current debates is community pharmacies and
whether their existence could undermine the current health system at
health centre level.

Any comments or articles will be very much appreciated. A meeting
has been called for tomorrow (26th) to discuss the issue with MOH
partners and we have only just received the communication regarding
this forum. Save the Children is working with the MOH at provincial
level in both resource and advisory capacity.

Trish Araru
Health Coordinator
Save the Children (Burundi)
e-mail: scfgit@cbinf.com

[Please take a look in the E-drug archives
<http://www.healthnet.org/programs/edrug&gt;, as there have been
discussions on this subject in the past. Hilbrand Haak, E-drug co-

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