E-DRUG: Company Biotest(Germany); Losartan

E-drug: Company Biotest(Germany); Losartan

Does any one have any experience of using the antihypertensive
Losartan(Cozaar MSD)? Is it registered in USA and approved by FDA? Is it
registered anywhere else in the world?

Does any one know about a German based pharmaceutical company 'Biotest'
manufacturing Albumin, Intraglobin and Hepatect? Are these good quality

Please answer at earliest convenience [Note from moderator: please reply
directly to dr Mustafa.KM]


Dr. Mazhar Mustafa
Manager, Pharmaceutical Services
Shaukat Khanum memorial cancer Hospital & Research Centre
email: skmtphr@brain.net.pk

[Note from moderator: As for losartan, it's registered in Norway and Sweden
and I would assume in many other countries.
When considering companies manufacturing biological products, you should be
careful to ask for certificates to ensure they comply with European
standards for quality and may sell their products on the European market.
One aspect here is the possible transfer of viruses. KM]

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