E-drug: Computers and drug information (cont)
I remember that in the UK we used to have labelling softwares that
could 'catch' interactions between two or more drugs that the
patient had been prescribed. It was obviously important that the
patient information and past history of drugs prescribed was in the
computer's database.
All the different interactions would be pointed out one after the
other, and one would have to manually override them to print the
required label.
I am not sure which software company is producing these days,
but I too would be interested in it.
Mahmood H.M. Daya, MRPharmS
Ithnasheri Charitable Hospital
P.O. Box 7176
Tel: (027) 2502320/7692/6206
Mobile: 0744-271376
Fax (027) 2544460
E-mail: dpl@habari.co.tz (personal)
ich@ark.eoltz.com (hospital)
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