[e-drug] confusions on prescription serving (5)

E-drug: confusions on prescription serving (5)

Dear friends,

The same issue often we encounter here in the Philippines. Either the
generic or brand name is not written clearly (maybe the prescriber is not so
sure of the correct spelling or generic of the medicine). As a licensed
pharmacist i have all the responsibility to seek clarrification if i am
indoubt of the prescription. If i have the phone number on the prescription
i trace the prescriber and ask. I believe it would be my responsibility if i
dispense the wrong medicine then without clarifying. If in case it is
impossible to reach the prescriber I use my knowledge on patient medication
profile and clinical pharmacology first by interviewing the patient of his
complaint and ask if ever the prescriber did mention about his medicine. If
not, I start going over his history of medication and proceeds to his vital
signs and complaints.( It is also very important to keep ourselves updated
during our free time about the diseases and medications and continue
learning by reading also what the physicians read to have background about
the medicines we dispense). And of course I keep myself on line with friend
doctors to consult about it and vice versa.

About the numbers, often we encounter them but constant awareness on patient
about its meaning helps them comply with their medication.

thank you

Rene Manangan, rph
Council for health and development
The Philippines

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