[e-drug] Course Announcement - Pharmacotherapy teaching - Spanish

E-DRUG: Course Announcement - Pharmacotherapy teaching- Spanish
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Sixth Regional Course on Problem and Evidence -based Pharmacotherapy
Teaching (spanish language) 13-23 June 2007 . Republic Dominicana.

Centro Universitario de Farmacología. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas .
Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina);Pan-American Health
Organization, Buenos Aires/Argentina - Washington/USA
World Health Organization, Geneva. Switzerland

1-Medical doctors-Multipliers to be trained to replicate this course to
medical doctors
2-Teachers of Pharmacotherapy , Clinical Medicine, Pediatrics,
Gerontology working in undergraduate or postgraduate settings, medical
schools, teaching hospitals, etc.

The main aim of this course is to train trainers to provide knowledge
and practical experience on a problem and evidence-based approach for
pharmacotherapy teaching

At the end of the Course, it is expected that the participants have:
* Obtained and experienced a methodology to facilitate the students to
develop criteria to choose and apply drug therapy and/or appropriate
treatment to solve health problems.
* Obtained appropriate knowledge on problem-based method of
learning/teaching medicine and pharmacotherapy.
* Obtained and experienced knowledge and necessary skills to train
teachers to develop abilities to be facilitators in the framework of PBL
in order to teach rational use of medicines
* Obtained the knowledge and necessary skills to planning, developing,
implementing and assessing a problem and evidence- based
pharmacotherapy course, in their own educational institution or
sanitary setting.
* Acquired critical appraisal in the use of sources of information about
drugs and treatments.

The course is based on the methodology developed by the University of
Groningen, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Clinical
Pharmacology (Netherlands). The principles of the model underly in the
WHO Guide to Good Prescribing(1994)WHO Geneva.Switzerland .1994.
This course was successfully introduced in Europe, Africa and Asia, and
since 1999 has been developed in America, Centro Universitario de
Farmacología (CUFAR) ,Facultad de Ciencias Médicas , Universidad
Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina, in spanish.

The Course will be facilitated by an academic staff of the" Universidad
Nacional de La Plata" with the contribution of cuban teachers trained in
La Plata´s Course. The staff has an extensive experience in Programmes
of Rational Use of drugs and in PBL and EBM.
To achieve the maximum opportunities for small group work and
interactive learning the course will be limited to 30 participants.

The language will be spanish

For more information, and requests for registration, please contact:
Dra. Perla M. de Buschiazzo
Centro Universitario de Farmacología (CUFAR)
Facultad de Ciencias Médicas.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
La Plata.1900. ARGENTINA
Tel/fax: 54 (221) 424-3768
Fax : 54 (221) 423-2712
E-mail: cufar @atlas.med.unlp.edu.ar
sbruzzone @netverk.com.ar