E-DRUG: Data on Pharmaceutical Services

E-drug: Data on Pharmaceutical Services

Dear E-druggers,

I am a Pharmacist and preparing a project in which I need
following data about different countries:

1. Country:

2. Total Population:

3. Literacy Rate:

4. Total No. of pharmacists in the country:

5. Pharmacists employed in different disciplines like:
      a. Hospital:
      b. Manufacturing Industry
      c. Government:
      d. Teaching

6. No. of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Units:

7. No. of pharmacies (retail/wholesale oultets):

8. Qualification Requirement for the pharmacies

I would appreciate to receive the information in a consolidated form if
available with any international agency like WHO, FIP, FAPA, CPA etc or
in pieces from the different countries.


e-mail: ahsan@pharmacy.sdnpk.undp.org
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