E-DRUG: Drug Donations

E-DRUG: Drug Donations (cont)

Dear E-druggers,

I have worked in countries that have been recipients of drug donations from
developed nations. One reason why these developing countries don't refuse
the 'donations' is often political. On a number of occasions a lot of press
coverage is given to the arrival of drug donations and the recipient
country is obliged to be seen as grateful for the drugs. High profile
people often use the press coverage to give the indication they are
involved in 'doing something' about drug shortages etc. The technical
people then have to see what they can sort out from these donations, and as
has been stated many times, a great deal of the donations are of little or
no value under the circumstances. Managers are then left with the burden
of what to do with the inappropriate bulk. This in itself creates a new
set of problems.
I have seen warehouses full of useless drugs and equipment that can't even
be disposed of. The authorities have told the warehouse managers the
donors may want to 'monitor' their donation, or the donors may be offended.
This creates a very frustrating situation for essential drug managers who
already have enough problems trying to do a reaonable job in very difficult

Phillip R Passmore PhD, FPS, MRPharmS
P.S.M. International Pty Ltd
Pharmaceutical Services Planning and Management Consultancies
P.O. Box 392
Como 6152
Western Australia
Tel ++ 61 8 93674661
Fax ++ 61 8 93674662
email psmint@iinet.net.au

[Phillip, thanks for your observations from the field. Other people in
similar situations? WB]
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