E-DRUG: Drug Expenditure Breakdown - Palau

E-drug: Drug Expenditure Breakdown - Palau (2)

Further to my last email I can provide the following data for disease
patterns in Palau.

1. Leading causes of death 1998

Cardiovascular disease 14.29%
Other heart disease 12.70%
Other injuries 11.11%
Cancer 10.32%
Unknown 8.73%
Respiratory Disease 7.14%
Infectious Disease 4.76%
Digestive Disease 4.76%
Suicide 3.97%
Car Accident 3.17%
Cononary Heart Disease 3.17%
Renal Failure 3.17%
Malnutrition 3.17%
Diabetic Rel. Deaths 2.38%
Other? 7.15%

2. Hospital Inpatient by Diagnosis upon Discharge (1998)

Infectious and parastic disease 182
Neoplasm 53
Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic Dis, & Immunity 142
Dis. of blood and blood forming organs 61
Mental Disorder 144
Disease of Nervous system and sense organs 120
Dis. of Circulation system 182
Dis. Respiratory System 260
Dis. of Genitourinary System 199
Comp. of Pregnancy, Childbirth/Puerperium 202
Disease of skin and subcutaneous tissue 184
Dis.of Musculoskeletal Syst & Conn Tissue 116
Congentital Anomalies 81
Conditions originating in the Perinatal Period 22
Injury 267

3. Infant mortality rate (1998) was 10.71 per 1000 live births.

As for a drug formulary we have our own one that is loosely based on the
WHO essential drug list, with some slight modifications for local
disease patterns. I can email a copy of this to anyone that is
interested. At present we really do not have any real treatment

I hope that this provides a more complete picture.

With thanks

Richard Duncan (Australian Volunteer Abroad)
Chief Pharmacist
Ministry of Health
P.O.Box 6027
Koror PW 96940
Republic of Palau

phone/fax (680) 488 2552/1211
email: pharmacy@palaunet.com

[well, who wants to advise Palau electronically by commenting
on the ABC analysis (previous email) and relating it to the mortality
and inpatients statistics? For a drug use analysis, it would be advisable
to have morbidity and out-patient statistics as well, but maybe Palau is
not collecting those stats. WB]

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Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.