[e-drug] E-drug archives

E-drug: E-drug archives

Dear E-druggers,

From the messages that reach me it seems that not all E-druggers

are fully aware of the existence of the E-drug archives at
www.essentialdrugs.org/edrug/archives.php . You'll find postings
there from all 9 years of E-drug existence, and there is a wealth of
information on many subjects. I wonder around there on average
once a week and use the information for the many projects I am
working on (in addition to moderating E-drug)!

Just take a look there once and see what you can find. And once
you're there, click back to see also the other language E-drug groups
at www.essentialdrugs.org and i9nformation on what Healthnet is

Hilbrand Haak
E-drug moderator

Consultants for Health and Development
Sleedoorntuin 7 tel: +31-71-523.2052
2317 MV Leiden fax: +31-71-523.3592
The Netherlands e-mail: haakh@compuserve.com

Visit the CHD website at www.chd-consultants.nl
To send a message to E-Drug, write to: e-drug@healthnet.org
To subscribe or unsubscribe, write to: majordomo@healthnet.org
in the body of the message type: subscribe e-drug OR unsubscribe e-drug
To contact a person, send a message to: e-drug-help@healthnet.org
Information and archives: Essentialdrugs.org