[e-drug] EDL - ATC

E-drug: EDL - ATC

I am surprised that the Essential Drug list is not therapeutically
organized according to the ATC system. I hope this will be changed
in the ongoing revision of the ED Model List, and in the
accompanying recommendations.

The ATC drug classification system is the only such system with
international use. Germany, UK, France all have their national
systems, and USA has three (NIH, VA, ASHP). None of these
systems are as good as ATC, and none of them has potential of
being internationally used. ATC is developed and maintained by the
WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics and Methodology in
Oslo. It seems strange that this is not recognized by the department
of WHO which deals with international recommendations for drug

Stein Lyftingsmo
Hospital Pharmacy of Elverum, Norway
e-mail: sjappe@apotek.no

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