[e-drug] essential drug debate at WHA

E-DRUG: essential drug debate at WHA
[crossposted from DRUGINFO with thanks. Reports of 2 days joined in 1.

[17 May]

Hi all

Did I say glacial? Mont Blanc moves faster! The Brazilian draft resolution
on HIV/AIDS was tabled, but was immediately countered by a European Union
version tabled by Sweden (not yet available in all 6 official UN languages,
which is further complicating matters). Both have been referred to a
drafting group, which is expected to present a compromise position by
tomorrow morning. As a result, the Revised Drug Strategy agenda item has
not been reached yet, despite being moved forward. In addition,
South Africa has also tabled a resolution on strengthening health systems
(on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement), which also touches on the ability
to use TRIPS safeguards and resist bilateral pressures. That will follow
later on the same agenda (Committee A).

In essence therefore - little dramatic to report today. The UN Secretary
General, Kofi Annan, addressed the Assembly on the proposed Global AIDS
and Health Fund, but said little that was new or detailed. I leave Geneva
tomorrow, but will still track events for the list, if possible.


[18 May]

Hi all

Compromise draft resolutions on HIV/AIDS and the Revised Drug Strategy
(RDS)have been released this morning at the World Health Assembly -
both are co-sponsored by Brazil and Sweden (on behalf of the EU).
The RDS draft has been peppered with qualifiers - e.g. instead of
asking the WHO secretariat to monitor global drug prices, it now asks
them to "explore the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing,
in collaboration with nongovernmental organisations and other concerned
partners, systems for monitoring drug prices and reporting global
drug prices with a view to improving equity in access to essential
drugs in health systems, and to provide support to Member States in
that regard". The HIV resolution represents less complete consensus,
and includes many areas marked as "to be agreed", so continued debate
is expected. This will delay action on the RDS matters and the rest
of the agenda. Little attention has yet been paid to the NAM-sponsored
draft resolution on strengthening health systems, which I mentioned

In essence, it seems that little of substance will emerge from this
round of policy-setting and that attention will now move to the next
arenas, in particular the upcoming UN General Assembly Special Session
on HIV/AIDS (UNGASS) and the TRIPS Council.


Andy [Gray]

moderator DRUGINFO
South Africa
Email: andy@healthlink.org.za
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