[e-drug] EU Lamy's speech on AIDS Day

E-drug: EU Lamy's speech on AIDS Day

(sorry for delay in posting...)

Doha is over, but Mr. Lamy still seems decided to work on access to
medicines. This could be good news...

World AIDS Day: Lamy calls for more action on access to medicines
after progress in Doha
Press release, Brussels, 30 November 2001

European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy marked World AIDS Day (1
December) by pledging that the Commission would continue to do all in
its power to make sure that safe, affordable drugs are available to
all who need them in the struggle to combat HIV/AIDS and other killer
diseases, especially in the world's poorer countries. In a statement
published for the occasion, he said:

'At the recent World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial meeting in
Doha, we reached agreement on a Declaration addressing the issue of
affordable medicines so vital to the wellbeing of those fighting
diseases such as HIV/AIDS. The text of the Declaration on intellectual
property rights and public health was accepted by 142 WTO members
after some very difficult negotiations. It strikes the right balance
between the concerns of developing countries where HIV/AIDS and other
killer diseases are most prevalent and the need to maintain incentives
for research-based industries that develop life-saving drugs.

For developing countries, it brings much needed clarification as to
the flexibility to which they are entitled when they need to use
provisions in the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS) Agreement to adopt measures to protect public health.
This will assist those countries worst affected by HIV/AIDS.

For developed countries, there is more clarity as to the rights and
obligations of Members provided for under the TRIPS agreement. The
climate for continuing to pursue research-based innovation should thus
improve, now that uncertainties have been removed.

However, much still remains to be done and World AIDS Day is an
appropriate moment to remind ourselves of that. I am glad we have
clarified that WTO Members have the right to grant compulsory licences
to produce medicines and the freedom to determine the grounds, such as
public health interests, upon which such licences are granted. But
that may not be of immediate benefit to Members without the capacity
to produce the right medicines. That is why we plan to find means of
ensuring that they may benefit from both the letter and the spirit of
the TRIPs Agreement. The Commission is preparing concrete ideas on the
issue of compulsory licensing and plans to submit them for discussion
in the WTO (TRIPs Council) early in 2002.

In Doha, we also agreed to give the world's least developed countries
an extra 15 years to amend their legislation with regard to patents on
pharmaceuticals. This will certainly be welcomed by these countries
and we remain committed to providing technical assistance to make it
possible to reach this goal. Beyond the issue of intellectual
property, we continue to believe that a global tiered pricing regime
for pharmaceuticals -- that is, prices fixed for different countries
in accordance with ability to pay -- would greatly contribute towards
making medicines available to all.

We are well on the way to dealing with some of the trade aspects of
this issue. But we should not lose sight of the bigger picture. The EU
sought to mediate in the negotiations leading up to the Doha outcome
because of its commitment to combating the diseases afflicting poorer
countries, particularly HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, via public
health policies that take into account the various dimensions
involved. We are well aware that medicines alone, even free ones, are
not enough to tackle preventable or curable diseases unless there are
viable health systems to catch those who are vulnerable in a proper
safety net. That involves assistance to develop care infrastructure,
training,transfer of technology, research as well as trade aspects.
This is why the European Union is supporting the United Nations
efforts to set up a Global Health Fund and is strengthening its own
health related assistance.

To get the results that meet the needs of those we want to help, we
encourage a broad dialogue and partnership with all stakeholders :
governments, donor organisations, industry, non-governmental
organisations. That's how we got this result, and how we will go on
until we complete this essential mission.''


According to a new report from UNAIDS and the World Health
Organisation, the hardest-hit countries in sub-Saharan Africa could
lose more than 20 percent of their GDP by 2020 because of AIDS. Life
expectancy in the region has fallen dramatically as a result.

IPs on AIDS issue issued this year MEMO/01/182, IP/01/714, IP/01/763,
IP/01/862 and last year IP/00/1398

For more information on DG Trade Civil Society Dialogue/Access to
Medicines, go to: http://europa.eu.int/comm/trade/csc/med.htm

For more on DG Development policy on health in developing countries,
go to:

World Aids Day: http://www.unaids.org/

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