E-DRUG: European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership
[African researchers might be interested in this; thanks to Richard Laing
for spotting this. WB]
The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP)
Call for Proposals Senior Fellowship Programme
Dear Sir, Madam,
The EDCTP is an initiative by European Union Member States and Norway to
reinforce research into the development of new clinical interventions
against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. To this end, a partnership with
the developing countries (DCs), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, has
been established. The Partnership Board (PB) consists of 12 European and
African scientists who will oversee the scientific aspects.
To address the mission of the EDCTP, the focus of supported activities will
be on accelerating the clinical evaluation of candidate new interventions,
including: conducting controlled trials of the highest quality of new and
improved drugs and vaccines against the target diseases, and increasing the
capacity of scientists and institutions in the DCs to undertake such trials.
EDCTP supported interventions should be made available at a price that
allows their widespread use in the DCs.
A major objective ensuing from the mission of the EDCTP is to encourage and
facilitate networking and coordination of clinical trial activities on the
target diseases within Europe and, primarily, sub-Saharan Africa, and
importantly between scientists in these two regions.
The EDCTP calls for African researchers to react on our Call for Proposals
for Senior Fellowships.
Through this call, the EDCTP intends to identify and support senior
researchers capable of building up teams in African institutions that will
be internationally competitive and capable of winning grants from
international funding bodies for research on the three major poverty-related
diseases in Africa (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria).
The EDCTP Fellow will undertake applied research in clinical trials related
disciplines such as epidemiology, clinical medicine, virology, immunology,
parasitology, pharmacology and molecular biology.
The deadline for receipt of completed applications is 25 June2004.
For more information on this call and form of application, I kindly refer
you to our web site: http://www.edctp.org
Would you be kind to distribute this e-mail within your own organisation and
amongst interesting parties as appropriate?
Kind regards,
Dr. P. Olliaro
Executive Director EDCTP
Ms. Katalijne van Diest, MSc
Programme Coordinator
EDCTP - European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership
334 Laan van Nieuw Oost Indi�
P.O. Box 93015, 2509 AA
The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)70 344 08 91
Fax: +31 (0)70 344 08 99
E-mail: diest@edctp.org
Website: www.edctp.org
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