[e-drug] Expert meeting on EU-CAN negotiations in European Parliament

E-DRUG: Expert meeting on EU-CAN negotiations in European Parliament

In cooperation with the EU Policy Coherence for Development campaign,
Health Action International Europe will be hosting an expert meeting on
Medicines, Access, Trade and Health, with a particular focus on the
bilateral negotiations on trade agreements between the European Union
and the four Andean community (CAN) countries: Bolivia, Colombia,
Ecuador, Peru.

Expert Meeting: The EU-CAN Association Agreement - access to medicines
in jeopardy!

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009
Morning- 10.15am - 12.15pm TBC
European Parliament, Brussels. Room TBC

The aim of the expert meeting is to provide more in-depth information to
Members of the European Parliament who are interested in this issue
and/or experts in the field of international trade, development, access
to medicines and intellectual property rights. The expertise of people
on the ground is crucial for this meeting. Mr German Holguin, Director
of NGO Mision Salud, has been invited to speak on behalf of the CAN
countries, along with Mr Xavier Seuba, of the Pompeu Fabra University in
Barcelona, who was the first to analyse the intellectual property rights
provisions in the European Commission's (EC) proposal (see the recent
publication: Health Protection in the Association Agreement between the
European Union and the Andean Community

This expert meeting is part of a broader campaign by Health Action
International, the Evert Vermeer Foundation and a coalition of civil
society organisations both in Europe and Latin America

N.B. This is an event announcement. We will be sending out further
information on the meeting and confirmed event details in due course.

Kind regards,

Terri Beswick
Communications Officer
Health Action International
Overtoom 60/II
1054 HK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 489 1077
Fax: +31 20685 5002
Email: terri@haiweb.org
Website: http://www.haiweb.org

Health Action International (HAI) is an independent, global network
working to increase access to essential medicines and improve their
rational use through research excellence and evidence-based advocacy.