[e-drug] Health products Procurement Specialist position at UNDP Geneva

E-DRUG: Health products Procurement Specialist position at UNDP Geneva

Health products Procurement Specialist position (P4) at UNDP Geneva office

Please be informed that the following vacancy has been posted on the UNDP
Jobs site:

Procurement Specialist, Supply Chain Management, ICS-11 (P-4), Global Fund
Partnership, HIV, Health and Development Team (HHD), BPPS Geneva, deadline
for applications: 27 January 2017

See details and application procedure here:

Kindly disseminate this email to qualified/interested candidates both within
and outside of the UN System. Candidates can view the Job Description and
submit their applications (online) by accessing the above link.

Thanks in advance.


BenoƮt Marquet
Procurement specialist
Global Fund/Health Implementation Support Team - BPPS
United Nations Development Programme - Geneva Office
T: +41 22 917 8460 / M: +41 79 325 90 98
E-mail: benoit.marquet@undp.org