E-drug: Help wanted: drug/drug interaction data
I am writing on behalf of a group of medicos who are developing open source
software for a number of drug-related functions, including prescribing,
drug information/formulary information and drug interactions. At this
point they have what they need for the first two, but need a data-set of
drug/drug interactions that is either in the public domain, or can be made
available free of charge.
The intention is to produce a comprehensive suite of programs that can be
made available free to users, with the invitation to contribute to their
further development (as with other open source software).
Does anyone know a drug/drug interaction data-set that might be suitable.
David Henry
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology,
Faculty of Health,
The University of Newcastle, NSW
Phone + 61 249 211856
Fax +61 249 602088
David Henry <mddah@mail.newcastle.edu.au>
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