E-DRUG: drug interaction database

Dear listmembers,

Does anyone have knowledge about solfware drug interaction programs where
ALL the possible interactions of certain drugs are included and classified
according to their clinical relevance? (I am not talking about ADRs which

The best program that I know of is called: Drug Interactions Consultant
(DI CONSUL). It is available from:

Professional Drug Systems Inc.
530 Maryville Centre Dr., Suite 250
St. Louis, Missouri 63141

However, it is very expensive-about US$1700.


Joel Lexchin MD
121 Walmer Rd.
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: (416)-964-7186
Fax: (416)-923-9515

--- Note from the moderator:
For those with lower budgets: a much cheaper alternative (USD 75?)
is the Drug Interaction Programme of the
Medical Letter, 56 Hanison St., New Rochelle, NY 10801-6588, USA.
Tel +1-914-2350500.
I also have a second address: 1000 Mail Street, New Rochelle.
Not sure which one is correct.

DIP runs under MS-DOS. I only have an old version (1995)
but it is being updated annually, I believe.

Wilbert Bannenberg
Email: 73377.3055@compuserve.com

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