[e-drug] International Health Workforce Conference: proceedings now available

E-DRUG: International Health Workforce Conference: proceedings now available

Dear all,

The International Health Workforce Conference was held in Geneva on the
22-23 March 2007. This conference was organised in collaboration with
21 partners representing international professional organisations, the
Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA), WHO, ILO, IOM, IHF, HRET, HSR,
Gates Foundation, Commonwealth Secretariat among others (see
http://www.hret.org/hret/publications/partnering.html for full list).

In an effort to support and acknowledge the difficulty to build
sustainable health systems with the instability of reliance on large
scale emigration, the 2007 A Call to Action: Ensuring Global Human
Resources for Health, aimed to discuss action steps that need to be
taken by key stakeholders at global, regional and national levels to
address the underlying human resources for health issues.

With a multi-disciplinary focus, and a convening of global stakeholders, this
meeting stimulated discussion and presented evidence-based, pragmatic
approaches to build, retain and sustain a workforce, both nationally and
internationally. The meeting provided a forum that enabled linkages to
be made between research, policy and action for global human resources
for health.

A report will be released in the near future describing
the recommendations arising from the various discussions at the

Webcasts of the plenary session presentations are now available online:
hc=2086 including a presentation from Prof Claire Anderson, President
of the FIP Academic Section, which examines pharmacy and wider
multidisciplinary workforce and practice issues in the opening session.

Presentations from parallel sessions are also available online:
http://www.hret.org/hret/publications/programtwo.html, including a
presentation on the migration of pharmacists.

FIP is undertaking a programme of research work to generate greater
understanding of pharmacy workforce issues and ensure that pharmacy
workforce issues are taken into account in global, regional and national
human resource for health agendas. Please feel free to contact me if
you would like to find out more.

Best regards,

Tana Wuliji, Pharmacist
Project Coordinator
International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
PO Box 84200
2508AE Den Haag
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-70-302-1970
Mobile: +44-779-0936-091
Fax: +31-70-3021999
Email: tana@fip.org <BLOCKED::mailto:tana@fip.org>
Website: http://www.fip.org/&gt;

Meet your international colleagues in Beijing, China!
FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences
1-6 September 2007

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is the global
federation of national organisations of pharmacists and pharmaceutical
scientists dedicated to improving the access to and value of appropriate
medicine use worldwide, and contributing to changes in science, practice
and health policies worldwide.