E-DRUG: International Meyler Course in Pharmacovigilance 2012
[To respond DO NOT CLICK REPLY. Please contact prof.dr. A.C. van Grootheest (ac.grootheest@lareb.nl) as instructed in the message]
Each year there is a regular five days master course 'Introduction to
pharmacovigilance' in Groningen, the Netherlands. This course is in English
and ten students outside The Netherlands are invited to join.
Content of the course:
This course covers several aspects of pharmacovigilance: practical aspects
of collecting and using relevant information about adverse effects,
organization of pharmacovigilance and topical subjects of pharmacovigilance.
After the course you have gained insight in pharmacovigilance. A reader and
additional information will be provided.
The course will take place at the University of Groningen in the
Netherlands, from 13-17 February 2012. The course is free of charge, beside
a registration fee of € 100.
An every day lunch and one dinner is included. Flight, accommodation, and
travel are at your own expense.
If you are interested or would like to receive more information, please send
an e-mail to prof.dr. A.C. van Grootheest (ac.grootheest@lareb.nl). If you
would like to register to the course please send an e-mail with your CV and
an explanation why you are the one who should be invited.
Kind regards
Naomi Jessurun, Pharm D
E: n.jessurun@lareb.nl
Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb
Goudsbloemvallei 75237 MH 's-Hertogenbosch