[e-drug] International PhD Course 2008

E-DRUG: International PhD course 2008
[If you are interested DO NOT CLICK REPLY. Look at the websie in the message or contact "Anne Blem Jensen" ehh@farma.ku.dk ]

Section for Social Pharmacy of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
University of Copenhagen, has the pleasure to announce a PhD course to be
held in November 2008.

The course is titled 'Scientific Article Writing and Literature Scrutiny'
and will be held 10 to 14 November 2008. Deadline for enrolment: 1 September

The course is primarily intended for PhD students but is also open to other
applicants with a similar background.

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer any kind of sponsorship.

For your information, course description and application forms can be found
at www.farma.ku.dk/index.php/Scientific-Article-Writing-and/5348/0

In case you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Yours sincerely

Anne Blem Jensen

Ebba Holme Hansen
Professor of Social Pharmacy
Director, FKL - <http://www.fkl-center.dk/&gt; Research Centre for Quality in
Medicine Use
University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
<http://www.dfuni.dk/index.php?id=181&gt; Section for Social Pharmacy
Universitetsparken 2
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Phone: +45-3533 6353
Fax: +45-3533 6050
E-mail: ehh@farma.ku.dk
"Anne Blem Jensen" <abj@farma.ku.dk>