E-DRUG: Invitation MSF Worskhop at WTO Sept 25th - Five years from the Decision to the action
Medecins Sans Frontieres workshop at the WTO Public Forum
Geneva, Switzerland
Five years from the Decision to the action - is the 2003 August 30
Decision 'the expeditious solution' for access to medicines we need?
Thursday 25 September 2008, 11:15 - 13:15
WTO building, Room A
Access to medicines for developing countries continues to be a struggle.
The price increase of newer medicines for example second- line
antiretroviral drugs, shows how the access crisis far from being resolved,
is still firmly with us.
How does compulsory licensing play a role in today's procurement of
essential medicines ? Is the 'August 30 Decision' the 'expeditious
solution' it promised to be?
Key actors that have experience using compulsory licensing to increase
access to medicines will present on their experiences, and the
presentations will be followed by a discussion.
Introduction by Ellen 't Hoen, Director Policy & Advocacy, MSF Access to
Essential Medicines Campaign
Moderator: Sisule F. Musungu, President, IQsensato,
Panel of speakers:
Rachel Kiddel-Monroe, Chair of the Board, Universities Allied for
Essential Medicines, Former MSF Access to Essential Medicines Campaign
Canada Coordinator
Sunjay Sudhir, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India to WTO Geneva
Inthira Yamabhai, Researcher, Health Intervention and Technology
Assessment Program, Bureau of Policy and Strategy-MOPH, Thailand
Jorge Bermudez, Executive-Secretary, UNITAID
Panel of respondents:
Roger Kampf, Counsellor, Intellectual Property Division, WTO
Gianluca Susta, Member of the European Parliament
Greg Perry, Director General, European Generic Medicines Association
Discussion: Questions open to the floor
Please send an email to Ms Mai Do at Mdo@msf.org to confirm your
participation, and register at
before 15 September 2008.