E-DRUG: MSF conference London 8 June innovation for neglected diseases
Conference announcement
Ensuring Innovation for Neglected Diseases
London, 8 June, 2005
AIDS, Malaria, TB and tropical diseases continue to kill millions, but
there are few medicines in development to tackle these age-old killers.
HIV/AIDS has benefited from significant medical innovation, but the
medicines are developed in the West, for the West: the lack of tools
adapted for the developing world is a major challenge to scaling up
A number of new initiatives have been established to tackle the problem in
the last few years. Political commitments have been made, and a range of
solutions proposed to ensure that diagnostics and drugs and vaccines are
developed for the developing world.
In the shadow of the G8, Midecins Sans Frontihres will hold a conference in
London to discuss these issues. The conference will bring together policy
makers, academics, public and private sector actors and health care workers
in the developing world, to develop discussion around four broad themes:
(1) Setting priorities: who and how?
(2) Meeting the needs: a public or private responsibility?
(3) Current initiatives: opportunities and constraints
(4) The way forward
We hope very much that you will be able to attend. A preliminary agenda
will be available shortly.
There is no registration fee. To register for the conference send a message
to Ms Mai Do at mdo@paris.msf.org with the following information:
Postal address: