[e-drug] New publications from WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific

E-DRUG: New publications from WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific

Congratulations to Ms. Uhjin Kim and her colleagues in WPRO and OECD for producing the excellent report on how pharmaceutical systems in Asia and Pacific region work. It is excellent, very well laid out and provides a quick snap shot of the countries.

I have two requests. Firstly could the data collection instruments with the definitions of the indicators be put in the public domain. They may already be but I could not find them.

Secondly could the data tables used to generate these reports be put in the public domain, ideally as Excel files.

These are the documents

How pharmaceutical systems are organized in Asia and the Pacific

Malaria supply chain in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Many thanks again for all of your hard work. Most impressive!


Richard Laing
Professor, Department of Global Health
Boston University School of Public Health,
801 Massachusetts Avenue Boston MA 02118
Tel 617 414 1445 (Office) 617 435 7860 (Mobile)
E mail richardl@bu.edu

E-DRUG: New publications from WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (3)

Many thanks Dr. Richard Laing,

Great to hear that WPRO publications are useful.

For the first publication, we have uploaded simple data collection form we used to get data from our Member States and excel data table (first page data) on WPRO EMT website as below.


Best regards,

Uhjin Kim
Technical Officer
Essential Medicines and Health Technologies
Division of Health Systems
World Health Organization | Regional Office for the Western Pacific | Manila, Philippines
"KIM, Uhjin" <kimu@who.int>