[e-drug] New report: Accessing ARVs

E-drug: New report: Accessing ARVs

New Report

Accessing ARVs: Untangling the Web of Price Reductions for
Developing Countries.

M�decins sans Fronti�res, Campaign for Access to Essential

This new report can be found on the MSF Access Campaign
website: www.accessmed-msf.org


In the last year, ARV prices have rapidly changed and changes have
become increasingly difficult to follow. Furthermore, MSF witnesses
in its contacts with countries that information about these offers
does not always reach all relevant parties and is not always

In response, MSF has released a new report which seeks to share
information on the lowest price offers for ARVs by generic and
proprietary companies with particular emphasis on the restrictions
of proprietary company offers.

The report is complementary to existing initiatives on pricing
information such as the common UNICEF/WHO/UNAIDS-MSF
project "Sources and prices of selected drugs and diagnostics for
people living with HIV/AIDS."


MSF continues to advocate for a global sustainable solutions for the
battle against this epidemic, as well as for other infectious diseases
devastating developing countries.

Thank you for your attention,
Carmen Perez-Casas

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