[e-drug] New Website on drug information and quality issues

E-drug: New Website on drug information and quality issues

USP DQI Program Launches New Web Site: Web Site is resource for
drug quality.

Rockville, Md., June 12, 2003-The United States Pharmacopeia Drug
Quality and Information (USP DQI) program is pleased to announce
the launch of its new Web site www.uspdqi.org. The new Web site
was created as a resource for people interested in drug quality and
drug information and will provide vital information to those working in
drug management programs worldwide.

The Web site's focus is to provide information on priority medicines
that are of interest to health care professionals working in developing
countries. In addition, the site will discuss drug quality issues-focusing
on substandard and counterfeit drugs. The site features monthly drug
information updates, USP DQI program news, monographs for
essential drugs, and information on new drug therapies for diseases
including HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis.

The Web site is designed to be user friendly. All downloadable files
are in pdf format, which allows users in developing countries easy
access to the information no matter what system they use.

The USP DQI program is supported by a cooperative agreement with
the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and
USP. USP DQI evaluates drug quality assurance systems and
provides training in basic drug testing methods, good laboratory
practices, and proper documentation to strengthen drug quality
control labs. In addition, by working with national disease control
programs, local universities, and health care organizations, USP DQI
builds local capacity to monitor the quality of accessible products in a
country and/or region. The program also develops conferences and
regional meetings on approaches to improving drug quality in
collaboration with other organizations such as the Drug Information
Association, Roll Back Malaria, the Malaria Action Coalition, World
Health Organization (WHO) Office of Essential Drugs and Medicines
and WHO regional offices. Currently, USP DQI works with related
agencies in Russia, Mozambique, Nepal, Senegal, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, China, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and
Romania, helping to create drug information centers and improve
drug quality assurance.

Nancy Blum, M.P.H., M.A.
Director, Global Assistance Initiatives
12601 Twinbrook Parkway
Rockville, MD 20852, USA

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