E-DRUG: Now online - Access to Medicine Index 2022
The 2022 Access to Medicine Index
published on 15 November, shows that more companies have made moves
toward finding solutions to long-standing gaps in access to medicine in LMICs.
Overview and Special Reports
The new Index consists of an overall industry ranking including an industry
analysis, three key findings, three chapters with a detailed analysis of
the areas
(1) Governance of Access,
(2) Research & Development and
(3) Product Delivery, and 20 report cards for the companies in scope.
For this edition, the Access to Medicine Foundation has included three special reports: a longitudinal progress analysis, a report on SRHR, and a report on COVID-19 and future pandemic preparedness.
Key Findings
- For 77% of projects nearing the end of the R&D pipeline, companies now
have a plan in place to promote access after product launch, compared with 40% in the previous Index.
- Companies are increasingly putting strategies in place to expand
access to their existing products. Of the products assessed, 83% are
covered by such a strategy, rising from 58% in the last Index. Yet
access strategies in low-income countries lag behind.
- Three more companies now engage in at least one voluntary licence,
with Novartis signing the first licence covering a product for a
non-communicable disease.
- Despite the rapid and effective R&D response to COVID-19, there has
been global inequity in vaccine rollout, and R&D for emerging infectious
diseases (EIDs) remains insufficient.
- GSK retains the top spot in the Index ranking, newly joined by Johnson
& Johnson in second and AstraZeneca in third.
James W. Hazel, Ph.D., J.D.
Research Programme Manager
Access to Medicine Foundation
Naritaweg 227A, 1043 CB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Now online
Diabetes is rising rapidly, but global insulin inequity is stark. Our
latest report examines how insulin manufacturers perform on ensuring global
access to this life-saving drug.
James Hazel <jhazel@accesstomedicinefoundation.org>