E-DRUG: Patents, Copyrights and Knowledge Governance: the next 4 years, Washington, DC, 12-13 January 2009
I would like to share with the list information about a public and
free event in Washington, DC that will cover access to medicines
issues for the next US/EU administrations.
Dear All,
This is a reminder about the conference on intellectual property that
TACD will host in Washington, DC on 12-13 January 2009: Patents,
Copyrights and Knowledge Governance: The Next Four Years.
The purpose of this event is to allow leading experts to provide
advice to the incoming administrations in the United States and
Europe, one week before the new U.S. President takes office.
The program includes high-level speakers, among whom two Nobel Prizes,
Joseph Stiglitz and Eric Maskin, as well as many key specialists and
TACD members.
You can find more information on the event on our blog, where you can
also register online:
Hoping to see you in DC!
Best regards,
Anne-Catherine Lorrain
Intellectual Property Policy Expert
The TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD)
Avenue de Tervueren, 36 Bte 4, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
Mob (Belgium): +32 473 99 97 92
Tel: +32 2 740 28 17, Fax: +32 2 740 28 02