[e-drug] Prescription fees (cont)

E-drug: Prescription fees (cont)
In Spain, drug prices are regulated by the government to avoid
speculation in this kind of products to ensure that anybody can avail
themselves of the same price wherever they are (rural, urban
areas...). Before the year 2001, they had always been 27.9% of major
distribution cost, whatever was the price (although the most
expensive drugs are only dispensed in hospital pharmacies, not in
community ones). Since the summer 2001, the fee remains the same but
with a top price when final cost surpasses $110 (or 120 �),
which is $31 (or 29.9% of $110). This is possible because Spain has a
public, universal Security Social which covers 100% for the
pensioners and 60% for the rest in the spanish essential list of
medicines. In the OTC, the SS doesn't cover anything but the 27.9%
fee holds.

Eduardo Satu�
Farmacia Siglo XXI
"FSXXI" <fsxxi@recol.es>
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