E-DRUG: Re: courses

Dear E-Druggers:
Probably most of the courses of rational use of drugs don't have any
evaluable influence on the habits of active prescribers by itselfs under the
viewpoint of the long-term,independently if is done in the pre or
postgraduate step of the professional life.As Roberto Lopez said, this needs
to set up a programme, with the aim to provide the needed implementation at
specifics purposes,differents at any country.All we E-druggers and
prescribers can recognize ourselves by the words from Merilyn Liddell "I
would still find myself reverting to old habits at times under the pressures
which exist in general practice".That is our reality and we can't forget it.

I am teaching in rational use of drugs and pharmaceutical marketing to
experienced GP since seven year ago.As Dr. Y.E. Kocabasoglu wrote,a crux
point is the skill of choice a drug,but probably the active practitioners
are more interested in a good choice than in the process of choice
itself.That means,as it is said before,(if I remember
correctly,JAMA-february 1994-"Changing prescribing habits:regulation vs
education"),that the GP are interested,in the best case,to know the result
of the consensus about a choice or a drug use, not in getting it personally.

For us, the courses are a starting point in a strategic line of
work,implemented with other educationals issues and providing information to
a "very low personal cost" in the marketing's sense.That means also
information with competitive accesibility with others information sources
and easy to use,two critical questions in the process of decision making.

Vicente M.Asencio
Assesor of the Regional Health Authorities
Member of the National Commission of Quality of Prescription of the Ministry
of Health
Promotor of the Regional Commision Of Quality of Prescription
Editor of Farm West,a drug therapeutic bulletin-like
Malaga Spain

email: vicenteasencio@vnet.es

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