[e-drug] Re: Handheld computers in resource-poor settings (cont)

E-drug: Re: Handheld computers in resource-poor settings (cont)

I can tell you as one who is in Kenya that the info you are using for your
handheld PCs is even difficult to get for those of us in the cities. These
info is usually well written but remains on the shelves of those who wrote
it. At least the NASCOP has tried to distribute the HIV/AIDS guidelines but
the drugs are not yet there in the public sector. I am aware that the
National Essential drug list [in Kenya] is due for review soon. It would be
nice to
know what information the Malaria and TB guidelines for my country have.
While you are at it, please consider a review of the usefulness of this
information. Do those who have the information actually make use of it? Is
the information relevant? There is definitely a need to study the
information seeking habits of healthcare professionals in Kenya viz a viz
what is available and what is actually needed.

Dr Atieno Ojoo
Gertrude's Garden Children's Hospital
P O Box 42325-00100
GPO, Nairobi
Tel 254 2 3763474-7
Fax 254 2 3763281
Email: mojoo@gerties.org
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