E-DRUG: Re: New Leadership in WHO (12)

E-drug: Re: New Leadership in WHO (12)

Dear E-Druggers,

Ellen t'Hoen's message about Michael Scholtz is very constructive,
and her suggestions about why and how to approach him bear following
up. We agree that a group of public interest-oriented NGOs and NGO
networks working on RDU (as a key activity) should be organised to
meet with Dr. Scholtz to offer perspectives, expertise and suggestions
about how WHO can maintain an effective role in promoting RDU. It
will be a chance for Dr. Scholtz to express his views and priorities
and get to know more about the issues, interests and capabilities of
organisations working on the full range of RDU issues. We would have
every hope that such a meeting would be mutually beneficial,
constructive and substantive.

Health Action International (HAI-Europe) would like to volunteer to
follow up on Ellen's suggestions and coordinate the organisation of a
meeting between a group of NGOs and Dr. Scholtz to meet the aims Ellen
has listed, as well as any other aims and suggested topics that are
agreed upon by those joining the meeting. We feel that HAI is well
placed, given its long history of advocating for the RDS and RDU
issues locally, nationally, regionally and internationally, to offer
to take up Ellen's call.

In our recent message about the HAI Revised Drug Strategy Watch, we
mentioned that WHO is preparing to schedule a WHO-NGO meeting,
probably in November. We think that it would be good to coordinate a
meeting with Dr. Scholtz with the timing of this consultation, if
possible. We have been in touch with Ellen and will begin to reach
out to other groups, for example the NGO networks highlighted in the
Essential Drugs Monitor no. 24 (1997) and members of the WHO-NGO group
(NGOs that have official relations status with WHO) who work on drugs
issues. We will also be contacting Dr. Scholtz to find out his
interest in and availability to participate in such a meeting. If any
group is interested in being contacted by HAI as we follow up on this
meeting initiative, please do contact us. We will let E-Druggers know
if we are successful in setting up a meeting and, should one be held,
will disseminate information about its outcomes.


Health Action International Europe, Jacob van Lennepkade 334 T
1053 NJ Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Tel. +31-(0)20.6833684 Fax +31-(0)20.6855002

Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.