E-DRUG: Registration for HAI 40th Anniversary Conference Now Open
Dear colleagues,
Health Action International (HAI) is pleased to announce that registration for our 40th Anniversary Conference is now open!
The conference will take place via Zoom on Thursday 20 May, 1400-1600 CEST.
For background and a list of speakers, please see the flyer via this link. https://haiweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/40th-Conference_Registration-Flyer.pdf
To join the event, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIod-2rrz8iG9b8q1QZAoAAOkbFM4_xLCiN
We hope to see you then.
Kind regards
Alex Lawrence
Communications Manager
Health Action International
Alex Lawrence <alex@haiweb.org>