E-DRUG: Risk of Tuberculosis Doubles in 1st Year of HIV Infection (3)
On the topic of integrating HIV and TB care, e-druggers might find it
useful to look at the International HIV/AIDS Alliance's website at
- click on Publications and Resources, then click on Care and Treatment;
look under the heading "lessons learned reports and studies", where you
will find a collection of case studies called "Integrating HIV/AIDS and
TB services", which we hope will help to stimulate people to think about
creative ways of achieving this in their own settings. This resource was
developed during a participatory workshop with experienced practitioners
from seven countries in Africa and Asia.
Carolyn Green
Senior Programme Officer, Care & Support
Care & Impact Mitigation Team
International HIV/AIDS Alliance
104-106 Queens Road
Brighton BN1 3XF
United Kingdom
direct phone: +44 1273 718747
main phone: +44 1273 718900
cellphone: +44 773311 2368