[e-drug] Roster call for consultant to work on medicines/ AMR issues in South East Asia

E-DRUG: Roster call for consultant to work on medicines/ AMR issues in South East Asia


Dear E-Druggers

The Essential Medicines unit in the South East Asia Regional Office of WHO is creating a roster of consultants in multiple technical areas, both covering antimicrobial resistance related topics and pharmaceutical policy and systems.

Could you kindly share this roster call with potential candidates. https://careers.who.int/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=1904477&tz=GMT%2B05%3A30&tzname=Asia%2FCalcutta

Deadline for applications is 16 November 2019.

Applicants can indicate interest and demonstrate expertise in one or multiple output areas:

Output 1. Antimicrobial stewardship

Output 2. Surveillance/monitoring of antimicrobial consumption and use

Output 3. Selection of essential medicines and other medical products incl. the adaptation of WHO AWARE classification for antimicrobials

Output 4. National treatment guidelines promoting rational use of essential medicines and other essential medical products, incl, antimicrobial use policies.

Output 5. National medicines and other medical product policies, strategic frameworks etc. to support on Universal Health Coverage.

Output 6. Monitoring access (i.e. the availability, affordability, etc.) of medicines and other medical products.

Output 7. Policies on financing & to reduce out-of-pocket expenses; improving pricing, reimbursement, procurement and supply management to increase access;

Output 8. Support the planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and documentation of regional policies, action plans, strategies and good practices/ experiences in the region.

SEARO will organize training on WHO methodologies used on Output 1. & 2. early next year, so getting applications from qualified persons would be very useful.
The deadline for application has been extended to 16 November.

I would be very grateful if you can share this message via your respective networks. Thank you.

Kind regards,

Dr Klara Tisocki

Regional Advisor
Essential Drugs and other Medicines (EDM)
Department of Health System Development (HSD)
World Health Organization | Regional Office for South East Asia | New Delhi, India