[e-drug] Latest country profiles from SEARO

E-DRUG: Latest country profiles from SEARO

Dear E-Druggers,

May I draw your attention to a series of publications from the WHO SEARO office in Delhi. They are available on the web. Here are the links to the updated SEAR publication 2019 in case you are interested:
and individual country profiles https://www.who.int/southeastasia/health-topics/essential-medicines

I find the country profiles particularly useful as well as the other documents that review progress such as the publication Access to medical products in the South-East Asia Region 2019: Review of progress.

I hope that other regions will produce such updated reports.

Well done to SEARO and to all those in the countries who worked to put together such information in such an accessible format!


Richard Laing
Professor, Department of Global Health
Boston University School of Public Health,
801 Massachusetts Avenue Boston MA 02118
Tel 617 358-2445 (Office) 617 435 7860 (Mobile)
Note change in office number
E mail richardl@bu.edu<mailto:richardl@bu.edu>
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