[e-drug] SA study: anti-retroviral drugs help prevent TB (cont'd)

E-drug: SA study: anti-retroviral drugs help prevent TB (cont'd)

Dear e-druggers,

I am quite amazed at the Beeld story about the effect of
anti-retroviral drugs on tuberculosis. It comes dangerously close to
distortion of scientific data. Is the reduced incidence/prevalence of
TB because of control of the primary HIV infection or because of
some undiscovered impact on the mycobacterium? If it is due to the
former, that is on the primary disease, then such a conclusion is a
definitely uncalled for. Alternatively, the same anti-retroviral drug
could perhaps claim credit for "controlling" each and every
opportunistic infection that appears in HIV/AIDS.


Dr Sumit Ghoshal
Bombay, India
e-mail: sumitgh@yahoo.co.uk

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