E-DRUG: Second African Course in Pharmacotherapy Teaching (cont)
I have a lot of sympathy for the Cape Town organisers but I agree
with Sue Burton that an attendance fee of US$ 3,000 automatically
entails a financial selection, e.g. it will attract people who in
essence do not need this course. The same happened in Groningen, and
I remember receiving in the WHO office in Copenhagen scores of very
unhappy applicants who asked for money - as we were not consulted by
DAP and had no funding for this purpose we had to circulate many
disappointing letters. To my opinion both the Groningen group and the
Cape Town group should in the first place look around for some rich
sponsors and then offer the course at an appropriate reduced fee. The
present approach will simply not do, and is not particularly helpful.
Leo Offerhaus MD PhD
Chopinstraat 9 NL-1077 GL Amsterdam The Netherlands
Tel. 0031-20-6762434 Fax 0031-20-6756590
E-mail LO@EURONET.NL, CompuServe 71530,15
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