[e-drug] TB field diagnostics conference MSF Cape Town 7 Nov

E-DRUG: TB field diagnostics conference MSF Cape Town 7 Nov

TB- dying for a test -A one day symposium on TB field diagnostics

Campaign for Access to Essential Medicine
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Meeting expanded and abstract submission deadline extended to September
Most tuberculosis patients only have access to inadequate tests developed
over a century ago, and very few patients with drug resistant or MDR-TB
get tests fast enough to ensure proper and timely treatment.

This symposium will promote progress in appropriate TB, MDR-TB and XDR-TB
diagnostics for resource-poor
settings, focusing on -

1 Best available tests that are still underused;
2 Challenges in TB diagnostics
3 Emerging technologies
4 How to increase diagnostics development and roll-out

Cape Town 7th November 2007, preceding the IUATLD conference

Registration and attendance free, but limited to the first 300 applicants.
Early registration is strongly encouraged.
Abstracts on field TB diagnosis are also invited, particularly from
TB-endemic countries. Accepted abstracts will
be displayed as posters and be published as symposium proceedings. Four
will be selected for oral presentation.

To register or for more information, please contact tbdiagnostics@msf.org

Scholarships for the best abstracts are available for accommodation and

Abstracts should be limited to up to 1,000 words on a single-A4 page and
may include a table and/or figure.


Buddhima Lokuge
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
New York