E-DRUG: UNITAID RFP: Consultation to prepare a technology overview for ARVs
technology overview for antiretroviral medicines"
UNITAID is a global health initiative, established to provide sustainable,
predictable and additional funding to significantly impact on market
dynamics to reduce prices and increase the availability and supply of high
quality medicines, diagnostics and related commodities for the treatment of
HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, primarily for populations in low-income
and lower-middle income countries. UNITAID provides funding support to
programmatic partners across three disease areas (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and
malaria) to address gaps in the provision of medicines, diagnostics and
other health commodities through market-based approaches and interventions.
UNITAID is seeking proposals from suitably qualified bidders to prepare a
technology overview for antiretroviral medicines, examining current and
pipeline antiretrovirals and regimens on their role and ability to meet the
needs of people living with HIV in developing countries, and identifying
related potential opportunities for a market-based intervention.
The terms of reference and a description of the requirements are provided in
the following website: http://bit.ly/Xo5W0Q. If you are interested in being
considered for this work, please respond no later than 25 February 2013,
COB, to laryeal@who.int
E-DRUG: UNITAID RFP: Consultation to prepare a technology overview for ARVs
UNITAID is a global health initiative, established to provide sustainable, predictable and additional funding to significantly impact on market dynamics to reduce prices and increase the availability and supply of high quality medicines, diagnostics and related commodities for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, primarily for populations in low-income and lower-middle income countries. UNITAID provides funding support to programmatic partners across three disease areas (HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria) to address gaps in the provision of medicines, diagnostics and other health commodities through market-based approaches and interventions.
UNITAID is seeking proposals from suitably qualified bidders to prepare a technology overview for antiretroviral medicines, examining current and pipeline antiretrovirals and regimens on their role and ability to meet the needs of people living with HIV in developing countries, and identifying related potential opportunities for a market-based intervention.
The terms of reference and a description of the requirements are provided in the following website: http://bit.ly/Xo5W0Q. If you are interested in being considered for this work, please respond no later than 25 February 2013, COB, to laryeal@who.int
José Manuel BOUDEY
Consultant International Indépendant
Expert Principal Droit Adminstratif
Gestion des ressources humaines GPEC
Projet d'Appui technique concernant la gestion et la planification
des ressources humaines au profit du Ministère de la santé au Maroc ,
de ses régions et provinces
(Financement Union Européenne)
Ministère de la Santé Maroc
+33 6 84 528 550
+212 (0) 510 16 477
jose.boudey@yahoo.fr ( préférable)